Thursday, December 10, 2009

I created a whole big kerfuffle when I posted something on Twitter about Christmas lights.
1: I should have made it clear that i was referring to my wedding, not Christmas decorating
2: Several people did not read the post very well (I was talking about the cost of renting them versus the free-ness of borrowing them and everyone started talking about buying them)

I remembered later (at the gym, of course) that my mom told me just the other day that I still have a gift card sitting at my parents' house from last Christmas. It's a (presumably) $25 Wal-Mart card from my cousin. I assume, since she drew my name again this year, that I'll be getting the same thing. So I'll have $50 worth of gift card goodness so I can in fact purchase cheap-ass lights the day after Christmas (as well as ribbon and a glue gun!) without spending any of my own actual money. I was opposed to purchasing them until I realized that.

The one lighting-thing I will rent is a 40 foot string of larger lights (10, to be exact) to run down the middle of the tent. I'll also rent draping (hopefully. I still have to get a price quote on that) and fancily drape the fabric with the lights and some flower garlands I'm going to make. It'll be lovely, I promise.

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