Friday, July 30, 2010

We picked up our marriage license last night. It was one of those things that made me really feel like an adult. Kind of like the first time you schedule your own dentist appointment. And then actually go to said appointment, and pay for whatever insurance didn't cover.

We're ready for this wedding. I have to fill the centerpiece vases with rocks, and we've got a lot of shopping to do, but that's practically nothing. People keep asking me if I'm excited or nervous, and yes, I am both. I think a lot of people say that the nerves have nothing to do with the marriage, but the wedding, and I would say that is completely accurate.

I feel like the wedding is a play - nay, a musical! - and I'm the producer, director, stage manager, and leading lady. In real life, that's pretty much impossible. The stage manager can't be on stage! Who would run the show? Yeah. Exactly. Who is going to do all the crap I can't do on the wedding day because I'm too busy getting married? Answer: whoever is willing. That stuff will be delegated and it will be fine, but until those roles are filled it's just one more stupid thing to deal with. But it's going to be awesome.

Tangent over! I'm suuuper excited for mah party tonight.

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