Saturday, March 6, 2010


So. I was at the Mall of America today with Kate and Kelsey and we were walking past Deb, where they were selling prom dresses. So I was like "hey, let's go to Deb and I'll try on some white dresses because why the heck not?"

And I ended up finding a dress. This one, but in ivory. The ribbon can tie in front or in back. I tried on several dresses and liked two other ones too (this one and this one, both in white), but, you know. They weren't The One. The first one is The One. I walked out of the dressing room and Kate made the "I might cry" face. Wee!

1 comment:

  1. !!!!!!!!!!!!! WOAH! NICE!!!!! :) :) :) I am so super excited for you!
