Tuesday, March 16, 2010

marriage prep

A friend of mine is in grad school right now studying Marriage & Family Therapy. She took a seminar and got her certification to lead Prepare-Enrich sessions. So she's hooking us up. All we have to pay for is the cost of online the assessment and, in return, we'll fill out an evaluation for her. Everyone wins! Plus we get a discount on our marriage license. Extra awesome.

So we met with her for the first time tonight, just to discuss the process. We're meeting again in two weeks to really get started. Sometime before then we'll do the assessments and go from there. I'm looking forward to it, despite that fact that sometimes people go through these courses and end up deciding not to get married. Kinda scary, sure. And sometimes people end up learning nothing new. If I were to fear one of those options it would be the latter- since we've lived together for almost two years we've already figured out a lot of the day-to-day stuff, the financial nonsense, the sexin'... you know.

But, yeah. Darren and I are awesome. I think this'll be pretty neat.

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