Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Hello, wedding blog.

I decided to start an all new wedding blog so people can read it if they want, but I won't have to fill up my regular blog with wedding nonsense.

Right-o. So. Where are we at right now?

The ring was paid for today; it should be arriving next week. Hopefully. I'm not sure what the turnaround time is. It's being made by an artist I found on Etsy. Her studio can be viewed here.

I'm maybe getting a tiny bit ahead of myself with the blog and wedding website I set up at, because people don't even know about the engagement yet. Well, a couple people do. I told one person because I can't even keep my own secrets, and Darren told some people at work yesterday (the 29th) that he's going to propose today (it's our 2 year anniversary). He actually proposed on Monday (the 28th), but whatevs.

I'm going to hop over to Barnes & Noble today to check out their wedding planning books. I feel like I'm going to need something physical to keep track of things, as opposed to just spreadsheets and stuff on a computer.

I am already utilizing The Knot a bit though (in addition to MyWedding). They're just so handy!

We need to pick a date as soon as we can. All I know right now is that it can't be in the last week of August 2010, because that's when Steve and Scancy's wedding is, and I need to find out when Heather's wedding is so we don't schedule too close to theirs.

Ideally it would be sometime when Stephanie and Andy are visiting from Turkey, which is in I think September (2010). But I don't know how long they'll be here or what their schedule is going to be like. Boo hoo.

Whatever. This is a step-by-step process and we haven't even completed step 1: tell people.

So maybe I'll just concentrate on that first.

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