Friday, June 4, 2010


So, you know how cows and turkeys were going to be raised for our wedding feast? Yeah, that fell through. So now it's all going to have to be purchased. Oh, and Darren's aunt told his mom that it's been too cold for the sweet corn (70-80 degrees is too cold??) so that's going to have to be store bought too.

It was my understanding that Darren's mom's family was going to take care of all the food. But she just got off the phone with him and she asked him to ask me what kind of food budget we have. Um, we have zero dollars. I had just gotten off the phone with her myself after explaining that we were over budget as it was. And I don't see why she couldn't have just asked me herself.

We have two months. Food won't be purchased until a couple days beforehand so we have time to save extra money, but it's not going to be much. Especially since we have to save extra money for our over-budgeted-ness.

We should have eloped.

*EDIT: We had accounted for the side dishes, but not the farm-provided food. But Brenna, bless her, had a brilliant idea: taco bar. BAM. Ground beef, ground chicken, black beans, and the usual taco fillings. Delicious, and way more affordable.

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