Saturday, June 5, 2010


Okay, so it might take a little convincing to get Darren to go along with this taco bar idea. Fingers crossed!

In other news, the most time-consuming project is proving to be the ceremony programs. I mentioned in an earlier post that I downloaded a template to make fans. I have to cut out each individual piece- five sections per fan. Three of them will be printed on both sides (one side with actual ceremony and wedding party info, the other side with a design), and the other two are blank but there to make the fan larger and more fan-like.

I decided that instead of leaving the blank pages boring and white, I'm going to stain them with tea. I've got some test pages drying right now, but as long as they dry to the same stiffness as before, then it's a go. I've got almost all of the blank pieces cut out. I'm not going to print the other pieces until after I get more ink, so I can do them all at once (my current color cartridge is about half empty and I'd inevitably run out half way through printing).

So it's going to take a long time. But they're going to be pretty nifty I think.

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