Monday, January 11, 2010

I just submitted an estimate request for port-a-potty rental. Hahahahahaha.

Ooh, I just got an email back. That was fast. Looks like two stalls is going to cost about $250. And that's not even for the nice ones, which it says they don't have at that branch! Sigh. We'll see what Darren and his mom and grandma have to say about it. I'm thinking they may not have even considered it yet.

**edit** Doo doo doo. This is ridiculous. Instead of contacting all these places today, I'm just going to list possible options here and deal with it later.

Option A
Option B
Option 3


In other news, I bought those shoes. They should be here by the end of the week. This means that all I need is my dress and my wedding ensemble will be complete. Win!

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